Jiashuo's Website

Picture of me 

Jiashuo Jiang
Assistant Professor (Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics)
the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Contact: jsjiang@ust.hk

Welcome! My name is Jiashuo Jiang and I am an assistant professor of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (starting from Jan 2023).

Prior to joining HKUST, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Computational Mathematics (2017) from Peking University and my PhD degree (2022) in Operations Research from NYU Stern School of Business. During my PhD, I have also done an internship at Amazon SCOT and been a visiting graduate student at the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley.

I work at the intersection of machine learning, optimization, and operations management. My research focuses on dynamic decision making and data driven decision making under uncertainty. I develop and utilize methodologies from online optimization and learning, approximation algorithms, and stochastic analysis. My research is motivated from and applied to real life problems in supply chain management, revenue management, mechanism design, online advertising and financial technology.


I'm looking for outstanding students, with good theoretical or engineering foundations, to work with me at HKUST. Please contact me if you are interested.